The do’s and Don’ts of a sensual massage session

There are no clear guidelines on how to prepare for a massage session and customers often end up doing the wrong things. To find a top quality massage spa should be your first task after which you set an appointment and start preparing to enjoy your first London erotic massage experience. In preparation for the same, this guide will give you the dos and don’ts to adhere to when preparing for and during the massage session that you have been waiting for.

Drink enough water

There is a lot of body fluids loss during sensual and tantric massage session. Your body will therefore have to rehydrate to cover up for the lost water through sweating and fluids release. Take enough water before when preparing to go for the session to reduce the need for breaking for water. Men should consume at least 2.6 liters of water while ladies should drink 2 liters as they get ready for the session. Aside from rehydration, plenty of water helps your kidneys to flush out toxins from the waste fluids in your body.

Avoid drugs use before session

It is common for your blood circulation to improve with every massage session that you get. You are advised to avoid drinking alcohol before the tantric massage session as it could increase dehydration besides mess with your sexual energy and composure. Smoking also has to be avoided at least 24 hours before the session with good oral hygiene to prevent distractions like bad breath. Drugs are furthermore dangerous for your health and avoiding them can also reflect positively in your finances. There have been cases before of clients being taken action against after harassing their masseuses due to drugs abuse before the session; you would not want that to happen to you.

Have a snack or reasonable meal before

When preparing for a tantric massage session, most people never know whether it is alright to eat a full meal or avoid eating? It is common for stomach grumbles to be heard during the massages and that is the reason why you will be asked to eat light meals or snacks as you prepare to go to the massage room. Eating a heavy meal will make your stomach feel uncomfortable during the massage session so you might want to give your body enough time to digest.

Avoid heavy exercises before massage and after

This is not an avenue to skip working out but just a time frame to allow for your body to relax and benefit from the relaxing sensual massage you just enjoyed. Before going to the massage parlor consider doing light exercises and taking a shower after it to get you ready for the same. Bulk exercises can make your muscles too tense for you to enjoy massage therapy. After the session, give your body at least 24 hours before you can resume your daily or routine exercises.

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